Quick Facts

If you’re already registered for Jubilee, please check out the Quick Facts below as you prepare!

A History of the CCO & Jubilee
Hotel Information/Making Your Reservation
Location of Exhibits
Exhibitor Move-In
Exhibitor Move-Out
Exhibit Hours
Onsite Registration Details for Exhibitors/Sponsors
Inbound Shipping Information
Outbound Shipments
Helpful Hints for Exhibiting and Wireless Info
Dates to Remember
Contact Information


In the late 1960s, several pastors and youth workers saw a need in western Pennsylvania. Hundreds of teenagers were coming to Christ through Young Life and other local youth ministries, but when they went off to college, there were few opportunities for them to continue to grow in their faith. These leaders organized a coalition of churches to address the need for campus ministry. And so the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) was formed in 1971 as an interdenominational Christian ministry. What began as a group of four staff people working with students at three schools has grown to 261 staff people currently working on 116 campuses across the mid-Atlantic region and midwest. We estimate that over a million students have been touched by the CCO’s ministry.

When the first Jubilee conference took place in downtown Pittsburgh in 1977, hundreds of college students crowded into the standing-room-only ballroom of the William Penn Hotel to hear the freeing message of the Gospel–and to be inspired to do away with the idea that the Christian faith is a Sunday-only proposition.

Every February since then, generations of college students have gathered in Pittsburgh to be equipped to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives. For nearly 50 years, we’ve invited college students to Pittsburgh to talk, think, and dream about the public implications of their personal transformation.

Jubilee is a weekend-long snapshot of what CCO Ministry is all about, as our staff people invest in the lives of students on college and university campuses. The focus of the conference has always been about putting legs on the Gospel–helping students recognize that the God they worship is intimately involved in every aspect of their lives, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Jubilee is about equipping students to serve Jesus Christ passionately in their vocational lives, in their communities, families, and churches. We’re glad you’ll be joining us!


We have secured a discounted rate of $153/night (plus taxes) at our partner hotels for Jubilee exhibitors. Make your reservation at the Westin or Omni for housing by Friday, February 14 and check-in at the front desk upon arrival to Jubilee.

*Sponsors with housing included in sponsorship package will be contacted to collect information. Your hotel keys will also be available at the front desk of your hotel.

The Westin hotel is located at:
1000 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

The Omni hotel is located at:
530 William Penn Pl.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

**ATTENTION: HOUSING SCAM ALERT Should an outside organization contact you to assist with hotel reservations, please do NOT book any hotel rooms with them. We have not contracted with any outside group to assist in this process. Please register via the link above. Thank you!**


David L. Lawrence Convention Center, 3rd floor, just outside of the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrooms

1000 Ft. Duquesne Blvd.

Pittsburgh, PA 15222


Parking is available at the convention center for an event fee, typically $13/day.

Parking will also be available at the Grant Street Transportation Center (http://www.pittsburghparking.com/gstc) for $6/day beginning at 4 PM on Friday. This is just a short walk to the Westin & Convention Center.

Or, check out parkpgh.org for real-time availability, rates, and other locations.


Friday, February 21, 12:00 PM—4:00 PM

Please fully install your exhibit by Friday, February 21 at 4:00 PM, then enjoy the rest of your afternoon as you get settled into your room or explore downtown Pittsburgh. The main conference session begins at 7:30 PM on Friday. We recommend that you arrive at your table no later than 6:30 PM as students begin to browse.*

*If you are attending Jubilee Professional, you are welcome to setup your table before JPro officially begins (1:30 PM). The JPro reception will end at 7 PM, and we recommend you begin staffing your Jubilee exhibit table then.


Sunday, February 23, 10:30 AM—1:00 PM

Students have access to the exhibit area all day; you are welcome to staff your table all day, but are especially encouraged to be at the table in the half hour before and after main sessions and during the late night event on Friday. When you are not at your booths, make sure to leave out some literature and swag items as some students are more likely to stop by when someone is NOT at the booth. Your exhibitor pass gives you access to join any of the workshops or main sessions. Based on our setup, attendees HAVE to walk through the exhibit hall to get to the main sessions, and so most traffic to your exhibit will come before & after the main sessions. We will also have a late night opportunity on Friday for students to check out the exhibit hall! Find the Jubilee 2025 schedule here.


Exhibitor registration will be located on the 3rd floor outside of the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballrooms. If you can carry your items, please take the skybridge from the Westin over to the convention center, then up the elevator to the 3rd floor. You’ll see Jubilee Headquarters!

At exhibitor registration, you will receive your conference pass. Hotel keys will be available at the hotel front desk; please note that most guest rooms will not be available until 3 PM.

If you are driving or flying to Jubilee and can carry in your exhibit table, please do so. However, if you need to ship your exhibitor display to us or are sponsoring a registration bag insert, please clearly mark the package and ship to:


Attn: Sarah Winkler

Your Organization & [Exhibitor Display, Ballroom Literature Drop, etc—please list what you’re sending]

5912 Penn Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15206

All packages must be received no later than Monday, February 10.


If you need to ship small items following the conference, the bell desk at the Westin can assist you with shipments. Please either bring a credit card or your shipping account number for billing purposes.

You may also schedule a UPS pickup. Please affix prepaid labels to your boxes, leave the boxes at your exhibit table in the convention center, and schedule a UPS pickup.


Come Prepared to Engage: We encourage you to think through the interactions you’ll want to have with students in order to benefit your organization, and come prepared with sign-up sheets, fun promotional materials, and anything else that may be of interest or help your dialogue.

Candy/Giveaways: What college student doesn’t love free candy or giveaways? Or, host a drawing at the end of the conference for a free t-shirt or iTunes gift card for students who have signed up to receive more information from your organization.

Seeking Your Own Sponsors: You have already signed up to exhibit at Jubilee, but it’s not too late for your organization to seek out a sponsor for your organization in order to cover the cost of your exhibit booth or a giveaway.

Wireless Information: Free low-speed wireless access is available in the exhibit hall. Please note that the internet access is best for checking email, but not streaming videos or music at your exhibit table. If you’re interested in purchasing a high-speed connection from the convention center, please contact swinkler@ccojubilee.org


January 8, 2025: Final balance due via credit card or check

January 8, 2025: Final artwork due for Mobile App banner ads

January 8, 2025: Videos & main session ads due to swinkler@ccojubilee.org

February 10, 2025: Receiving deadline for exhibit table shipments

February 14, 2025: Last day to register for housing


Until February 17: Sarah Winkler at 412-363-3303 or swinkler@ccojubilee.org

Onsite: Sarah Winkler at 412-294-9990 or swinkler@ccojubilee.org